BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew and extend a professional consulting service agreement to develop and assist in the Sustainable Columbus Climate Action Plan with Arup USA, Inc. for the Department of Public Utilities, Department of Finance and Management, Department of Public Service, Department of Public Safety, Department of Development, Department of Public Health, Department of Building and Zoning, Department of Technology, Recreation and Parks Department, and other City Departments as needed.
The City of Columbus is committed to taking steps to mitigate and adapt to our community’s changing climate. The changing climate poses risks to resident health and is expected to have a negative impact on the local economy, if steps are not taken to mitigate these harmful effects.
From 1951-2012, the annual average temperatures in Columbus warmed by 2.3 degrees fahrenheit, faster than national and global rates. As our climate continues to change, Columbus can expect temperatures to further rise and precipitation to increase. To combat these changes, the City is working to reduce municipal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
In June 2017, Mayor Ginther recommitted the City to the Global Covenant of Mayors and as part of that commitment, the City will adopt a Climate Adaptation Plan that is focused on mitigation strategies to reduce GHG emissions from municipal and community sources.
Arup USA, Inc. will assist the Department of Public Utilities, Department of Finance and Management, Department of Public Service, Department of Public Safety, Department of Development, Department of Public Health, Department of Building and Zoning, Department of Technology, Recreation and Parks Department, and other City Departments in the development of a Climate Action Plan that is technically feasible and economically reasonable to mitigate GHG emissions.
This legislation also authorizes the transfer of $17,944.41 betwe...
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