BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify an existing engineering agreement with ms Consultants, Inc. for the Blueprint Columbus Hilltop Eureka/Fremont
project, CIP 650870-100802. This project is being completed as part of the City’s Blueprint Columbus program. This project will construct various types of green infrastructure (GI) throughout the
neighborhood which will provide a higher water quality within the region by treating the surface runoff before it discharges to the waterways. The project will also rehabilitate the existing
sanitary sewer laterals and install or redirect new roof downspouts so as to reduce inflow and infiltration (I&I) within the sanitary sewer system which will result in fewer water in basements (WIBs),
reduced sanitary sewer flows and decreased sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). This contract renewal will provide the funding necessary to finalize the engineering drawings and provide services during
and after construction, and to provide services during construction for two construction contracts Eureka/Fremont Lateral Lining and Eureka/Fremont Downspout Redirection.
The project is located in the “53 - Greater Hilltop” Community Planning Area.
Amount of additional funds to be expended: $1,354,680.64
Original Contract $ 1,956,247.00
Renewal 1 $ 916,844.15 PO188204
Renewal 2 (current) $ 1,354,680.64 TBD
TOTAL $ 4,227,771.79
Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This modification was planned at contract origination.
Reasons other procurement processes are not used:
Re-bid of the project will likely result in a higher project costs as much of the project history would be lost and would need to be rediscovered by another consultant unless the new RFP were won by the same consultant. In such a case, we wou...
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