BACKGROUND: This ordinance amends the current authorized strength, as set forth in ordinance 0788-2022.
The strength levels for most general fund agencies are set to be equal to the 2022 budget as amended by City Council (including the Departments of Health and Recreation and Parks). Authorized strength levels of smaller non-general fund agencies are set to be equal to the adopted 2022 budget as amended, while the strength levels of certain larger non-general fund agencies may have their strength set slightly higher to allow for flexibility in hiring.
Within the City Auditor’s Office, 2 part-time positions will transition to full-time on the general fund, and the Income Tax Division will see a reduction of 3 full-time general fund positions in order to align personnel levels with the operating budget. The Department of the Inspector General will add two full-time general fund positions. Two full-time positions will transfer from Columbus Public Health to the Department of Neighborhoods to reflect certain commission work transitioning across departments. In the Department of Development, 2 full-time general fund positions and 1 full-time grant funded position are requested in the Administration Division. The Department of Health requests to add 21 full-time grant funded positions for upcoming American Rescue Plan (ARPA) initiatives. Similarly, the Department of Recreation and Parks requests to add 17 full-time grant funded positions to assist with increased needs related to ARPA initiatives, as well as 10 full-time grant funded positions within the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging.
Fiscal Impact: Funds for these strength levels are budgeted and/or the positions will not be filled until revenues have been clearly identified and appropriated. In all cases, the ability to hire will be monitored by the Division of Finance and Management. As such, there is no fiscal impact associated with passage of this ordinance.
Emergency Justification: Em...
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