Council Variance Application: CV24-026
APPLICANT: Marker Acquisition, LLC; c/o Jill Tangeman, Atty.; 52 East Gay Street; Columbus, Ohio 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Multi-unit residential development.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of four parcels developed with commercial uses in the C-4, Commercial District. The site is within the RC, Regional Commercial Subarea of the University District Zoning Overlay (UDZO). The requested Council variance will allow redevelopment of the site with an apartment building containing 183 units (450 total bedrooms). A Council variance is necessary to allow residential and accessory residential uses on the ground floor of a building in the C-4 district. The request also includes a variance to reduce the required parking from 225 spaces to zero provided spaces, and to increase the maximum building height from 72 feet to 157.5 feet. The University District Plan (2015) recommends this area for “Regional Mixed Use,” which supports mixed-use corridors with high density residential development. The Plan also states that the design of the new buildings should be compatible with nearby contributing buildings and the surrounding streetscapes. The proposal is consistent with the Plan’s land use recommendations, and will continue the redevelopment pattern for this section of North High Street. Staff notes that this site is in the first phase of Zone-In Columbus, and will provide more residential units consistent with citywide objectives regarding increased housing. Additionally, the final building design and site plan, which are not included with this variance request, are subject to a Certificate of Approval from the University Impact District Review Board.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3356.03, C-4 permitted uses; 3325.323, Building Height Standar...
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