1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned contract modification (#7) for professional engineering services with DLZ Ohio, Inc. in connection with the Olentangy-Scioto Interceptor Sewer (OSIS) Augmentation and Relief Sewer (OARS) (Engineering & Design) from the Henry Street Regulator to the Jackson Pike Wastewater Treatment Plant.
This modification No.7 is for October 2014-December 2015 and provides for engineering services during construction of OARS, including shop drawing review, responding to requests for information, interpretation of contract documents, review of construction details, preparation of change orders, claim review, start-up assistance, preparation of record drawings and other services required during construction.
It will provide Design Professional's Technical Project Representation (TPR) for construction through the end of 2015. This Modification will also provide for additional design services associated with the Shaft 4 / WSST Site Improvements, coordination with the city's Real Time Control (RTC) Team, continued coordination with the Odor Control Facilities at the Shafts 5 and 6 sites, initial operation-demonstration of the OARS pump system components, and the addition of the I&C and Programming work. Additionally, the start-up, operational demonstration, standard operating procedures, and training will need to be coordinated to adjust for both the delay to the Phase 2 systems becoming operational and to any required RTC updates.
The proposed modification amount is $4,325,778.61 which includes a 10% contingency amount that will be utilized to fund any needed and approved changes in the work. Two future modifications are anticipated at this time for engineering services during construction. A summary of the design contract, legislation and ordinance dates and funding amounts is as follows:
The original contract for DLZ Ohio, Inc. was for the design of Phase 1...
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