1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with the Ohio Basement Authority for the Roof Redirection - Clintonville 1, Schreyer/Springs Project, C.I.P 650871-110176, the work for which consists of redirecting and replacing downspout drain tiles for up to 200 houses and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the drawings technical specifications, and City of Columbus Construction and Material Specifications as set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
2. PROJECT TIMELINE: All work shall be substantially complete within 210 calendar days of the Notice to Proceed, with final completion to occur within 270 calendar days. The City anticipates issuing a Notice to proceed on or about March 15, 2019.
3. PROCUREMENT INFORMATION: The Division advertised for competitive bids for the subject project on the City's Vendor Services website, the City's Bulletin in accordance with the overall provisions of Section 329 of Columbus’s City Codes, and the Bid Express website. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received three (3) bids on December 5, 2018 from the following companies:
Name C.C. No Vendor # Exp. Date City/State Status
Ohio Basement Authority 38-3823702 015314 05/05/19 Cols, Ohio MAJ
George J. Igel & Co., Inc. 31-4214570 006024 04/13/19 Cols, Ohio MAJ
Facemeyer Landscaping LLC* 31-1757841 005926 05/24/19 Sunbury, Ohio FBE
These bids were reviewed and ranked utilizing the Bid Tab and Quality Factor Form process.
*: Bidder not prequalified at the time of the bid opening. Therefore ruled deemed non-responsive.
It was determined that Ohio Basement Authority was the lowest responsive, responsible, and best bid.
4. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: An emergency designation is not requested at this time.
5. CONTRACT COMPIANCE NO: 38-3823702 | MAJ | 05/05/2019 | Vendor...
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