1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew an existing professional engineering agreement with Arcadis US, Inc. for the Jackson Pike Waste Water Treatment Plant (JPWWTP) Cogeneration Project, CIP 650250-100007. The Jackson Pike Wastewater Treatment Plant creates large amounts of methane rich digester biogas which is now burned in flares as a waste product. A recent feasibility study shows that installing a cogeneration system can beneficially use this biogas as fuel to create electricity that will supply about half the total electricity the plant uses, with an acceptable payback period and significant overall reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The cogeneration system will be relatively large and complex. This project also includes design work for replacing certain plant boilers at the end of their useful life and installation CMT (construction management team) facilities. This project will also provide design for outstanding stormwater variances remaining from other TE projects. This renewal purchases the detailed design services for the project. Future legislation will purchase the step 3 services during construction. Construction will generally be accomplished by others.
The construction work will occur at the Jackson Pike Wastewater Treatment Plant, in Columbus Planning Area 17, Greenlawn/Frank Road.
1.1 Modification Information: Amount of additional funds $2,309,950.00
Original Contract (Preliminary Design) $1,025,883.00
Renewal #1 (Detailed Design 2018) $2,309,950.00
Renewal #2 (Anticipated 2021) $1,952,374.00
Estimated Contract Total $5,288,207.00
1.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a planned renewal.
1.3 Reason other procurement processes are not used:
Re-bid of the project will likely result in a higher project costs as much of the project history would be lost and would need to be rediscovered by another consultant unless the new RFP were won by...
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