Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to apply for grant funding from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Land and Water Conservation Fund Program. The Land and Water Conservation Fund Program is accepting applications for funding to develop and restore public outdoor recreation and educational areas. If awarded, the funding will be used to restore the Hoover Mudflats Boardwalk.
ODNR is accepting grant applications for the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act Program. The grant is expected to be $500,000.00. The grant offers assistance to governmental agencies in developing public outdoor recreation and educational areas. Grant applications are due November 15, 2023 with a 30-day allowance to submit the resolution. The notification of the grant acceptance will be awarded in the spring of 2024.
ODNR requires a resolution, ordinance, or other written documentation that obligates funds for the project as part of the application. Therefore, this ordinance is a commitment to provide the necessary match funds to satisfactorily complete the proposed project and become eligible for reimbursement under the terms and conditions of the grant. If the grant funding is awarded, future legislation will follow to authorize acceptance, appropriation, and expenditure of City funds from within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund. The Recreation and Parks Department has already met the required match, with the $540,000 City funds from within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund for the design of the project.
Columbus Recreation and Parks is requesting support to apply for the Land and Water Conservation Fund grant to help fund the Hoover Mudflats boardwalk replacement. The project site is located in the Hoover Nature Preserve, located near the Village of Galena. The current boardwalk has been closed and inaccessible, due to its poor condition, since 2020. Similarly, given the illegal access, ...
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