Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to enter into a grant agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) for the Franklinton Loop - Souder Avenue Trail Connector Project. This ordinance will also authorize the appropriation of grant and matching funds. The grant amount is $4,294,938.00 and the local match amount is $3,470,053.85. This ordinance also authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to enter into contract with Complete General Construction for the Franklinton Loop - Souder Avenue Trail Connector Project. The contract amount is $6,578,969.16, with a contingency of $658,000.00, for a total of $7,236,696.16. An additional $528,295.69 is being authorized for interdepartmental inspections and fees for this project. There is a total of $7,764,991.85 being authorized by this ordinance.
In 2018, the Columbus Recreation and Parks Department was awarded federal grant funding from the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), administered by Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT), to assist towards construction of a trail connection to the Scioto Trail for the Franklinton Community, from West Broad Street to Dublin Road. The project’s grant funding is administered by ODOT under a Local Participation Agreement for Project PID 105736, as authorized by Ordinance 0442-2023. This project will build a pedestrian bridge across the Scioto River, from the Scioto Trail, and continue to West Broad Street along a 10 foot wide trail. This corridor, Franklinton Community, is experiencing a transformation with new dense mixed-use developments of housing and large scale employment centers. This project coincides with major development projects in the West Broad Street and Souder Avenue area of Franklinton, including a new corporate campus on Souder Avenue and McKinley Avenue which is anticipated to bring approximately 2,000 jobs into to the community. City staff began engag...
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