BACKGROUND: Columbus Public Health has been awarded the 2019 Franklin County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board (ADAMH) grant service contract for the Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) Division to fund the following projects: Outpatient Treatment (General Claims); Women’s Recovery; REAL Life- Columbus Parks and Recreation Centers; Community Prevention, CPH After School/Summer; Immigrant Women’s Support Groups; School Based-Columbus Public-YES/Success; HIV EIS, Substance Abuse General Education (SAGE); Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Suboxone; Harm Reduction Outreach Engagement, Prevention and Wellness-Evidence Based 2018-2019 and Prevention and Wellness-Prevention in Schools 2018-2019 (July 2018 through June 2019), Prevention and Wellness- Evidence Based 2019, Prevention and Wellness- Prevention in Schools 2019. The funding for the projects total $1,673,556.46 from ADAMH and begins January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019.
The Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) grant contract is primarily funded through the Franklin County ADAMH Board but also generates the following revenues which are to be appropriated; client fees in the amount of $26,000.00 and Medicaid in the amount of $435,000.00 for a total appropriation of $2,134,556.46. These funds will enable Columbus Public Health to continue to provide treatment, counseling and prevention services to men, women, children/families, homeless population and to serve clients referred by the criminal justice system.
The Alcohol and Drug Services (ADS) prevention program will serve approximately 9,526 unique clients, who may receive multiple services, through Columbus City Schools, After School/Summer programs and Recreation Centers. Of this number, approximately 4,371 adults and family members will be served, and 5,155 children and adolescents will be served. The ADS Comprehensive Treatment Program will provide treatment services to approximately 1,050 men and women of that...
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