Background: This legislation amends the 2019 Capital Improvement Budget; authorizes the City Auditor to transfer funds within the General Permanent Improvement Fund; authorizes the Director of the Department of Finance and Management on behalf of the Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk, Clerk of Court ("Municipal Court Clerkâ) to enter into a contract with Brown Enterprise Solutions, LLC for the provision of a Firewall Security System.
The Firewall Security System is an internet security appliance that delivers protection for network applications and services for the users for the Franklin County Municipal Court. The current system will be at end-of-life, and will no longer be supported after September 2020.
Bid Information:
An informal bid process for the provision of a Firewall Security System was conducted through RFQ012607 in accordance with Columbus City Code. The Municipal Court Clerk received three (3) bids. The lowest bidder was awarded the bid. Ordinance 1206-2019 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into contract with the vendor. The vendor was unable to fulfill the financial obligation; therefore, the next lowest bidder, Brown Enterprise Solutions, LLC was awarded the bid.
Contract Compliance Number: 90-0353698; Expiration date: 1/31/2021.
DAX Vendor Number: 010668.
The company is not debarred according to the excluded party listing system of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved finding for recovery certified search.
Emergency: Emergency declaration is requested to provide for the continuity of the services for the Franklin County Municipal Court.
Fiscal Impact: Funds totaling $38,992.65 are available within the General Permanent Improvement Fund.
To amend the 2019 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer and appropriate $953.69 within the General Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the Director o...
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