BACKGROUND: The Division of Police Crime Lab has various pieces of scientific instruments that require maintenance and repair services by the manufacturer. This equipment is used to process and present evidence for criminal prosecutions, which requires our strict adherence to rules of evidence and established mandatory timeliness. The Division of Police has a need for maintenance and repair services with Agilent Technologies, Inc., PerkinElmer Health Sciences, Inc., and Dani Instruments Inc., through Specialty Underwriters, in order to ensure timely repair of broken equipment and adequately protect the City's investment. Specialty Underwriters provides and manages the consolidation of the various contracts at a reduced cost for the maintenance and service contracts with each respective vendor.
BID INFORMATION: Specialty Underwriters was utilized in 2018 as a pilot project to see what the potential cost savings would be as well as determining if the city would be obtaining the same maintenance and repair services as if it contracted directly with the individual manufacturers. The pilot program did not include all instruments, rather only a few from Agilent and PerkinElmer were utilized for this program. It was discovered that Specialty Underwriters contracts with each of the individual manufacturers on the City's behalf, reducing the yearly costs per instrument while maintaining the same level of service and repairs, thus making it manifestly impractical to bid. If we were to contract with each manufacturer in 2019 the overall cost would be $91,138.00. Utilizing Specialty Underwriters' services, the cost is $69,311.00, resulting in a savings of $21,827.00. Therefore the Division of Police is requesting a Bid Waiver on this contract so that they may continue the maintenance and service contracts at a reduced cost to the City.
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