BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Public Safety Director to enter into an agreement for maintenance and repair services of crime lab instruments with Life Technologies Corporation, in the amount of $23,580.95. The Division of Police Crime Lab has three (3) 7500 Real-Time PCR instruments, one (1) Genetic Analyzer, and five (5) thermal cyclers which are used to quantify the amount of DNA that is contained within evidentiary and reference samples. This equipment is used to process and present evidence for criminal prosecutions, which requires strict adherence to rules of evidence and established, mandatory timeliness. The Division of Police has a need for maintenance and repair services with Life Technologies Corporation in order to ensure timely maintenance of equipment and adequately protect the City's investment in such instruments involved in helping to solve crimes.
BID INFORMATION: The Division of Police is requesting to issue this maintenance contract in accordance with provisions of sole source procurement based on: 1) the inherent risk that services provided by a third party may invalidate instrument warranties and original instrument purchase terms, and 2) that Life Technologies Corporation is the sole source for factory recommended replacement parts.
This company is not debarred according to the Federal excluded parties listing or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved findings for recovery certified search.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE NO: 330373077, expires 06/30/2017
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency legislation is requested for this ordinance so that there are maintenance and repair services for the three (3) 7500 Real-Time PCR instruments, one (1) Genetic Analyzer, and five (5) thermal cyclers’ instruments as soon as possible.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of $23,580.95 from the Division of Police's General Fund operating budget with Life Technologies...
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