BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract with Operator Training Committee of Ohio (OTCO) for utility operations and maintenance training. This ordinance is being submitted in accordance with the sole source provisions of City Code Chapter 329.
The Department of Public Utilities requires the operators at its treatment plants and distribution system to be licensed by the State of Ohio. The employees receive specialized utility operations and maintenance training through the Operator Training Committee of Ohio (OTCO). OTCO is the State of Ohio's Environmental Training Center under the Clean Water Act. For this reason, the Department of Public Utilities requests to enter into a sole-source contract with the Operator Training Committee of Ohio for specialized utility operations and maintenance training for department personnel, in the amount of $70,000.00. The contract will be for a period of one year from date of execution.
VENDOR: Operator Training Committee of Ohio (OTCO); (FID#31-6065198, DAX #006175); Non-Profit Organization.
The company is not debarred according to the Excluded Party Listing System of the Federal Government or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State Unresolved Findings for Recovery Certified Search.
FISCAL IMPACT: $70,000.00 is budgeted and needed for this purchase. This ordinance is contingent on the passage of the 2019 operating budget, Ordinance 2871-2018.
2018: $ 34,946.00
2017: $ 49,365.00
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into contract with the Operator Training Committee of Ohio, for utility operations and maintenance training, in accordance with the sole source provisions of the Columbus City Code for the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $4,270.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund, $27,160.00 from the Water Systems Operating Fund, $30,450.00 from the Sewer...
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