Council Variance Application: CV22-140
APPLICANT: Huggard Homes LLC; c/o Jason Huggard; and Brenda Parker, Architect; 405 North Front Street; Columbus, OH 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Two single-unit dwellings on one lot.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of one parcel developed with a single-unit dwelling in the R-2F, Residential District. The requested Council variance will legitimize and allow completion of the construction of a detached garage with a single-unit dwelling located above (carriage house). A Council variance is required because the R-2F district allows one single- or one two-unit dwelling, but does not allow two single-unit dwellings on one lot. The request includes variances to maneuvering, parking space, lot width, lot area, fronting, side yards, rear yard, and reduced parking from four required spaces to two provided spaces. The site is located within the planning boundaries of the West Franklinton Plan (2014), which recommends “Medium-High Density Residential” land uses at this location, and includes adoption of Columbus Citywide Planning Policies (C2P2) Design Guidelines (2018). Staff supports the request as it is consistent with the existing residential development pattern of the neighborhood, and will not add incompatible uses to the area.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.037, R-2F residential district; 3312.25, Maneuvering; 3312.29, Parking space; 3312.49(C), Required Parking; 3332.05(A)(4), Area district lot width requirements; 3332.14, R-2F area district requirements; 3332.19, Fronting; 3332.25, Maximum side yards required; 3332.26, Minimum side yards permitted; and 3332.27, Rear yard, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 41 S. CYPRESS AVE. (43222), to allow two single-unit dwellings on one lot with reduced development standards in the R-2F, Residential District (Council Variance #CV22-140).
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