This ordinance authorizes the Chief Innovation Officer, on behalf of the Department of Public Service, to enter into contract with Proline Electric, Inc., for the Smart City Challenge - Fleet Electric Vehicle Charging Phase 3 Project and to provide payment for construction, construction administration and inspection services.
The fleet vehicles that will be using these chargers are being partially funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation (Vulcan) grant. As with prior phases of electric vehicle purchases funded by this grant, the City must provide the infrastructure to charge the vehicles at various locations across the City. This contract constructs the infrastructure necessary to provide approximately 46 charging ports to be used by these City of Columbus fleet vehicles.
The estimated Notice to Proceed date is October 28, 2019. The project was let by the Office of Support Services through Vendor Services and Bid Express. Two bids were received on August 13, 2019, (both majority) and tabulated as follows:
Company Name Bid Amount City/State Majority/MBE/FBE
Proline Electric, Inc. $435,133.60 Lancaster, OH Majority
Roberts Service $798,799.69 Columbus, OH Majority
Award is to be made to Proline Electric, Inc., as the lowest responsive and responsible and best bidder for their bid of $435,133.60. The amount of construction administration and inspection services will be $34,810.69. The total legislated amount is $469,944.29.
Searches in the System for Award Management (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Proline Electric, Inc.
Ordinance Number 1901-2017 authorized the Public Service Director to transfer signature authority to the Chief Innovation Officer or the Chief Innovation Officer's designee for all past, present and future Smart Columbus, Smart City Challeng...
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