Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to accept a Transportation Alternatives grant from Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC) and enter into a grant agreement for the expansion of CoGo Bike Share.
In 2016, the Department applied for and was selected to receive a Transportation Alternatives grant from MORPC for the expansion of CoGo Bike Share. This legislation is to accept the grant and authorize the Director to sign the grant agreement. The grant amount is $990,921.00 with a local match requirement of 20%.
CoGo Bike Share launched in 2013 in the downtown core of Columbus. The 30 station network was limited in size and scope, and data shows that ridership increased significantly as the system expanded from downtown into the Harrison West, Short North, OSU campus, and Weinland Park areas. As of June/2017, ridership has increased over 26% from 2016. Public survey response clearly indicates that expanding the reach of bike share into the inner ring suburbs of Grandview Heights, Bexley, and Upper Arlington is a high priority, and the jurisdictions have joined together for this expansion. The addition of 26 stations offers much wider use area for bike share, including access to more transit stops, community retail centers, cultural destinations, trails, employment centers, and attractions.
The Pilot Expansion will provide 26 bike share stations and 232 additional bikes to the existing CoGo network. Project involves direct collaboration of Columbus, Bexley, Grandview Heights, and Upper Arlington jurisdictions. Pilot expansion will provide:
Upper Arlington - 5 stations
Grandview Heights - 4 stations
Bexley - 4 stations
Columbus - 13 stations
Principal Parties:
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
111 East Liberty Street, Columbus, OH 43215
William Murdoch, 614-228-2663
Emergency Justification: An emergency is being requested in that it is immediately necessary to a...
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