This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into contract with Shelly & Sands, Inc. for the Bridge Rehab - UIRF - Milo Grogan Second Avenue Improvements project and to provide payment for construction, construction administration and inspection services.
This contract includes the installation of new sidewalks, curb ramps, curb, curb extensions, street trees, permeable paver parking, and new street lighting with underground conduits. This project includes the installation of two soldier pile walls and the installation of non-cellular block retaining walls. The pavement will be resurfaced with new striping, and other work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth in the Bid Submittal Documents.
Ordinance 2223-2021 authorized the Director of Public Service, on behalf of the City of Columbus, to submit applications to and execute grant agreements with the Ohio Public Works Commission relative to the Local Transportation Improvement Program and State Capital Improvement Program. The ordinance also authorized the Director of Public Service to accept and expend awarded grant funds, and issue refunds, if necessary, for the Bridge Rehab - UIRF - Milo Grogan Second Avenue Improvements project.
The estimated Notice to Proceed date is May 5, 2023. The project was let by the Office of Support Services through Vendor Services and Bid Express. Two bids were received on March 2, 2023, (both majority) and tabulated as follows:
Bidder Bid Amount City, State MAJ/MBE/ WBE
Shelly & Sands, Inc. $9,005,228.65 Columbus, Ohio MAJ
Complete General Construction $11,861,866.16 Columbus, Ohio MAJ
Award is to be made to Shelly & Sands, Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible and best bidder for their bid of $9,005,228.65. The amount of construction administration and inspection services will be $1,080,627.44. The total legislated amount is $10,085,856.09...
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