This ordinance authorizes an increase in Stormwater charges effective January 1, 2021 and to amend Chapter 1149 of the Columbus City Codes.
The stormwater charges per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) will increase from $4.86 to $4.91 per month for a typical Inside City residential customer.
Requested adjustments in rates result in a typical inside city residential storm water rate increase of 1%. When a sewer increase of 3% and a 2% increase in water rates are considered, the overall impact on a typical residential customer's bill in the City of Columbus is 2.49%, and for a typical outside city residential customer, the overall bill impact is 2.51%. Low Income Discount participant's overall bill impact is 2.47%. Outside city customers are not charged stormwater fees. Considering the 2021 rates increases for water, sewer, and storm combined -- based on average household water use of 30 ccf's per quarter, City of Columbus residents are estimated to see their total bill increase $7.35 per quarter, or $29.40 per year.
The stormwater ERU charge is assessed based on each property’s measured impervious surface area. Each Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) is based on 2000 sq ft of impervious surface area. Residents are charged at one (1) ERU per residence. All other customers are charged based on measured impervious area divided by 2000 sq ft to determine an ERU equivalent.
The Sewer and Water Advisory Board (SWAB) met on October 7, 2020, and after reviewing the Department of Public Utilities' projected expenditures for Fiscal Year 2021, recommends to City Council a 1% increase in storm rates.
FISCAL IMPACT: These rate increases will generate approximately $366,000 in additional revenue in Fiscal Year 2021.
To amend Section 1149.08 of the Columbus City Codes, to enact new Stormwater fees for the year beginning January 1, 2021, and to repeal the existing Section being amended.
WHEREAS, the Sewer and Water Advisory Board met on ...
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