This ordinance authorizes the Public Safety Director, on behalf of the Division of Support Services, to modify a contract with Day Funeral Services in the amount of $80,000.00 to continue to provide indigent cremations as needed for the City of Columbus. The modification is required in order to increase the funds to be paid to Day Funeral Services for the remainder of this year due to the increase in the number of indigent burials in the city. Ohio Revised Code Section 9.15 requires that the City be responsible for the cost of burial or cremation of an indigent person. The scope of services outlined in the City’s Request for Proposal include: processing, negotiating, and auditing prisoner medical claims.
Bid Information: Formal Bid # RFQ010964 was opened on November 27, 2018 to create a new process for indigent cremations. Multiple responses were received. An evaluation committee was put together comprised of personnel from the Division of Support Services, Health, the Department of Public Safety’s Director’s Office, and the Franklin County Coroner’s office. Based on the average score from the committee, the bid was recommended to be awarded to Day Funeral Services.
This company is not debarred according to the Federal excluded parties listing or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State's unresolved findings for recovery certified search.
Contract Compliance - 61-1688640 expires on 12/18/2020
Emergency Designation: Emergency legislation is requested to enable the Division of Support Services to immediately modify this contract with Day Funeral Services to continue the services of indigent cremation services based on ORC 9.15.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of $80,000.00 from the 2019 general fund budget for processing indigent burial claims for the Division of Support Services. A total of $120,000.00 was budgeted in Support Services' 2019 general fund budget. In 2018, the...
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