1. BACKGROUND: The Department of Public Utilities, Division of Sewerage and Drainage, Stormwater Section entered into a professional engineering agreement with FMSM, Inc. (Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.) on February 12, 2002 for the Skyline Drive Stormwater System Improvements Project (EL002095). The contract has been modified four (4) times. The original contract was for the design of storm improvements along Skyline Drive initiated in response to resident complaints of poor drainage. Late in the design of the storm improvements it was determined that numerous Household Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) were discharging to the existing storm system. The effectiveness of some of these HSTSs was questionable and it was determined that the HSTSs would not be reconnected to the new storm sewer once constructed. It was decided that before any storm improvements would be made that a sanitary sewer would need to be designed, constructed, and adjacent houses connected to the sewer and HSTSs abandoned. The sanitary sewer was constructed in 2014. The Columbus Health Department sent orders to property owners to connect their houses to the sanitary sewer and abandon their HSTS. All but a few have completed connection and it is anticipated the remaining residents will have connected early 2016. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage would like to modify the agreement (EL002095) in order to update plans to reflect the newly adopted Columbus Construction and Material Specifications. Once completed the storm sewer project can be bid and constructed.
2. ORIGINAL ENGINEERING CONTRACT AWARD: FMSM, Inc. (Stantec’s predecessor) was selected in accordance with the procedures set forth in Columbus City Code, Section 329. Three Requests for Proposals (RFP's) were received and opened from firms having the experience necessary to complete the project: Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (Formerly FMSM, Inc.), EMH&T, Inc., and Bird & Bull. Stantec was selected as the highest-...
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