The following legislation authorizes the City Attorney's Office, Real Estate Division, to hire professional services and to negotiate with property owners to acquire the various property rights necessary to perform the Intersection Improvements - Central Avenue & Harrisburg Pike at Mound Street (FRA-CR505-2.65 PID 99420) 530086-100032 project.
The Department of Public Service is engaged in the Intersection Improvements - Central Avenue & Harrisburg Pike at Mound Street Franklinton area (Community Planning Area 16). The Department of Public Service is currently finalizing construction plans and is prepared to authorize right-of-way acquisition pending passage of this funding legislation
Total amount of this ordinance is $28,500.00, funded by a grant from the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Department of Public Service.
Funds in the amount of $25,650.00 are available for this project in Fund 7765, the Fed-State Highway Engineering Fund, and funds in the amount of $2,850.00 are available for this project in the Streets and Highways G.O. Bond Fund, Fund 7704, both within the Department of Public Service. An amendment to the 2016 Capital Improvements Budget is necessary for the purpose of providing sufficient spending authority for the aforementioned project expenditure.
Emergency action is requested to provide necessary right-of-way acquisition funding and prevent unnecessary delays in the Department of Public Service’s Capital Improvement Program.
To amend the 2016 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the City Auditor to appropriate $25,650.00 within the Federal-State Highway Engineering Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds between projects within Fund 7704 Streets and Highways Improvements; to authorize the City Attorney's Office, Real Estate Division to contract for professional services relative to the acquisition of fee simple title and le...
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