1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for the Inflow Redirection Markison Project, CIP # 650790-122181 and the Hydraulic Modifications to CSO Regulator - Markison Project, CIP # 650790-122182. The scope of work for these projects is to design approximately 9,900 linear feet of new storm sewer for the purposes of re-directing public sources of stormwater inflow from approximately one hundred fifty four (154) acres of the Markison Avenue combined sewer-shed. The public stormwater runoff in this area flows to the existing Markison Avenue Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO 136) Regulator (0017C0235), located in Markison Avenue near its intersection with Wilson Avenue. The public stormwater runoff will be re-directed into the existing 72-inch diameter separate public storm sewer main within Wilson Avenue. This inflow re-direction is intended to reduce the number of CSO events occurring at the Markison Avenue CSO regulator to a Typical Year Level of Service. Additionally, structural modifications to the Markison Avenue CSO regulator chamber are required to achieve a Typical Year Level (TYL) of Service. Modifications to the Markison Avenue CSO regulator chamber include: raising overflow weir crest, increasing the orifice opening and downstream conduit, installing a new sluice gate and removing the weir in the downstream flow split junction chamber.
2. PROCUREMENT: The Division advertised for a Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for the subject services on the City’s Vendor Services website and in the City Bulletin in accordance with the overall provisions of Section 329 of the Columbus City Code. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received three (3) proposals on September 21, 2018 from the following companies:
Name C.C. No. Exp. Date Vendor# City/State Status
AECOM Tech Serv. 95-26...
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