BACKGROUND: This legislation is needed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office to participate in a FY-16 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) awarded to the Franklin County Sheriff's Office. The JAG grant provides funding for the continued activities of the Franklin County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to locate, arrest and prosecute child sexual predators.
The Columbus Police Department will be one of twelve local collaborating agencies to share the funding for sworn overtime (base pay costs only) and specialized training. Columbus Police Detectives in the Exploited Children's Unit have actively worked as part of this task force since June 2009 via a different funding source and MOU.
The task force has been very successful and participating officers have benefitted of the training and experiences from their task force activities. It would be beneficial for the citizens of Columbus, the Columbus Division of Police and the Exploited Children Unit detectives to be able to continue to be an active participant of this collaborative task force.
The MOU allocates $10,000.00 for sworn overtime and $13,400.00 for training to be shared by the twelve collaborating agencies. The MOU period is January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 for funded activities to begin October 1, 2017; therefore, there is a need to enter into the MOU and appropriate the available grant funds at the earliest possible time.
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency legislation is necessary to enter into the Memorandum of Understanding and appropriate the funding authorized in it for grant activities scheduled to begin October 1, 2017.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the appropriation of $23,400.00 in the General Government Grant Fund for a Memorandum of Understanding to participate in a collaborative Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to reduce and prevent child endangerment and protect the community from...
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