1. Background:
The City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, received a request from Shawn Goodwin of American Structurepoint on behalf of Del Partners, LLC., regarding the possible sale of a 0.073 acre portion of Talmadge Street Right-of-Way that runs north/south directionally and is between East Long Street and the first alley from the west, and a 0.016 acre portion of the unnamed alley that runs north/south directionally, which is north of East Long Street between Talmadge Street and Monroe Avenue, adjacent to property controlled by Del Partners, totaling 0.089 acres.
Sale of these Rights-of-Way will facilitate the improvements to the property adjacent to the above noted Rights-of-Way as per the Borror King Lincoln project. It has been further noted that the proposed development will act as a catalyst for pedestrian activity in creating a strong connection from Long St and the Lincoln Theater to MLK and the King Arts Complex. The Department of Public Service has agreed to sell the Rights-of-Way as described and shown within attached legal descriptions and exhibits, and extinguishes its need for these public Rights-of-Way. Per current practice, comments were solicited from interested parties including City agencies, private utilities, and the applicable area commission before it was determined that, subject to the retention of a general utility easement for those utilities currently located within these Rights-of-Way, the City will not be adversely affected by the transfer of these Rights-of-Way. The Department of Public Service submitted a request to the City Attorney's Office asking that they establish a value for these rights-of-way, and a value of $29,077.50 was established. No mitigation was requested. This request went before the Land Review Commission on April 18, 2019. After review of the request, the Land Review Commission voted to recommend the above referenced Rights-of-Way be transferred to Del Partners LLC., at the cost o...
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