1. Background
This ordinance authorizes the issuance and sale of a special assessment bond anticipation note in the amount of $382,000 to refund outstanding notes issued for the purpose of financing the costs of the Freeway/Kingshill Street Lighting Assessment Project ($382,000). The original note was issued in June, 2023. Proceeds from the 2024 note sale will be used to provide for the payment of the 2023 notes that will mature on June 26, 2024. This note shall be sold to the City's Treasury Investment Board.
2. Fiscal Impact
A note in an amount not to exceed $382,000 will be issued. It is the intent that the debt service associated with the issuance of the note will be paid from assessments paid by the property owners benefiting from the Freeway/Kingshill Street Lighting Assessment Project.
3. Emergency Designation
Emergency action is requested to allow for immediate issuance of notes in order to refund the Outstanding Notes prior to maturity.
To authorize the issuance and sale of a special assessment bond anticipation note in the amount of $382,000.00 for the Freeway/Kingshill Street Lighting Assessment Project; and to declare an emergency ($382,000.00).
Section 44-1(b)
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 0650-2023 passed March 20, 2023, City Council (the “Council”) of the City of Columbus, Ohio (the “City”), has previously determined to proceed with the street lighting project described below in accordance with Resolution No. 0035X-2019 passed by this Council on February 11, 2019; and
WHEREAS, Council has issued notes dated June 26, 2023, in anticipation of the issuance of bonds described herein, in the aggregate principal amount of $382,000, which notes will mature on June 26, 2024 (the “Outstanding Notes”); and
WHEREAS, it appears advisable in lieu of issuing bonds at this time to issue new notes in anticipation of the issuance of bonds, and to retire the Outstanding Notes under authority of the general laws of the State ...
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