This ordinance authorizes the City Clerk to enter into a grant agreement with Franklinton Board of Trade in support of Songs on Sullivant.
The 5th annual Songs on Sullivant: An Evening of Caroling & Community will be held on December 14th, 2024 at the Lower Lights Ministries Early Childhood Enrichment Center, (2323 Sullivant Avenue), which opened in early 2024. This is a completely free, family-friendly evening of fun.
Songs on Sullivant began in 2019 in response to a rash of negative publicity about Sullivant Avenue and its many challenges. This event aims to bring smiles and cheer to parts of the community that need it.
The event, which is completely free, is all about spreading peace, love, and joy along Sullivant Avenue through Franklinton and the Hilltop.
Emergency action is necessary because the scheduled event is quickly approaching on December 14, 2024.
Fiscal Impact: $30,000 will be appropriated and expended from available funds within the Neighborhood Initiatives subfund.
To authorize the City Clerk to enter into a grant agreement with Franklinton Board of Trade in support of Songs on Sullivant; to authorize an appropriation and expenditure within the Neighborhood Initiatives subfund; and to declare an emergency. ($30,000.00)
WHEREAS, Songs on Sullivant began in 2019 in response to a rash of negative publicity about Sullivant Avenue and its many challenges; and
WHEREAS, the event, which is completely free, is all about spreading peace, love, and joy along Sullivant Avenue through Franklinton and the Hilltop; and
WHEREAS, the 5th annual Songs on Sullivant: An Evening of Caroling & Community will be held on December 14th, 2024 at the Lower Lights Ministries Early Childhood Enrichment Center, (2323 Sullivant Avenue), which opened in early 2024; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Clerk's Office in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Clerk to provide reimbursement by...
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