BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a subscription contract with OW Investors LLC dba MARS Company for the maintenance and support of an existing MARS meter test bench system in the amount of $59,508.00 for the Division of Water. These test benches are to facilitate the certification of water meters used for billing purposes by the City's water distribution system. This is a 1 (one) year agreement with an annual subscription, funds for the support and maintenance shall be reviewed, and expenditures shall be approved by ordinance of City Council.
MARS Company is the only manufacturer that produces upgrades for this existing MARS Water Meter Test Bench to provide a computer-driven high-speed water meter test system with software and turnkey installation packages in the United States. They are also the only provider of computer software designed to meet the meter testing needs in compliance with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) testing recommendations for the modern Utility, complete with an operational database.
BID INFORMATION: The Division of Water requests to enter into a contract based on sole source provisions of the Columbus City Code, Chapter 329 because no other company provides these services for the MARS product. The metering test bench system is used to determine the accuracy of new and used water meters that are used by the Department of Public Utilities.
SUPPLIER: OW Investors LLC | Vendor #026512 | Expires 11/30/2025
FISCAL IMPACT: $59,508.00 is budgeted and needed for this purchase.
$154,940.00 has been spent so far in 2024
$0 was spent in 2023
To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a subscription contract with OW Investors LLC dba MARS Company for the upgrade, maintenance, and support of an existing MARS meter test bench system on behalf of the Division of Water; to authorize the expenditure of $59,508.00 from the Water Operating F...
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