BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the Office of the Mayor to establish a contract with Guidehouse, Inc. for strategic planning services related to the CelebrateOne program. The contract period will be from December 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021 and the requested contract amount is $75,000.00. This contract was competitively bid via RFQ016869 and in accordance with the bidding requirements of Columbus City Code.
CelebrateOne will engage the community, as well as a cross-section of health and community leaders in a robust process to develop our community’s next strategic plan to address infant mortality beyond 2020. This process will build upon the goals, recommendations, and strategies of the current infant mortality reduction initiative as expressed in the Greater Columbus Infant Mortality Task Force’s 2014 report. Accordingly, emphasis will be placed upon women’s health before, during and after pregnancy; infant safe sleep, health, and development; and the social determinants of health. In addition, the process will take deeper dives into health equity, the impact of racism on infant mortality and maternal health, and the development of anti-racism goals and strategies. Guidehouse, Inc. will serve as the City's strategic planning consultant for this process.
This ordinance is submitted as an emergency to ensure that this strategic planning initiative can commence as quickly as possible for the reduction of infant mortality in Franklin County and its communities.
FISCAL IMPACT: This contract authorizes the expenditure of $75,000.00 from the General Fund with Guidehouse, Inc. for consulting services related to development of a community strategic plan for infant mortality reduction beyond 2020.
To authorize the Office of the Mayor to enter into a contract with Guidehouse Inc to provide strategic planning for CelebrateOne’s goals to reduce infant mortality in its high priority neighborhoods; to authorize the expenditure of $75,...
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