This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to apply for and accept an Ohio 319 Grant to fund the Walhalla Ravine Stream Restoration project, CIP 650870-110167. The Walhalla ravine stream restoration is part of Blueprint Clintonville 3, more specifically, the Blueprint Tulane/Findley Integrated Solution project. The project will stabilize the banks of the Walhalla Ravine and reduce bank erosion and suspended sediment load. It is estimated to provide a 15.4% total suspended solids (TSS) reduction towards the total of 20% goal. The project will also restore 600 feet of the Walhalla Ravine with natural channel design and stabilize Walhalla Rd where applicable.
In 1987 the federal Clean Water Act amendments created a national program to control nonpoint source pollution, established under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C 1329). Ohio EPA is the designated water quality agency responsible for administering the Ohio 319 program. Since 1990, Ohio EPA has annually applied for, received, and distributed Section 319 grant funds to correct NPS caused water quality impairment to Ohio’s surface water resources. Section 319(h) implementation grant funding is targeted to Ohio waters where NPS pollution is a significant cause of aquatic life use impairments. The cornerstone of Ohio’s 319 program is working with watershed groups and others who are implementing locally developed watershed management plans and restoring surface waters impaired by NPS pollution.
The application deadline for the Ohio 319 Grant is July 6, 2022. The Department plans to request up to $410,000 in grant money to fund the natural channel portion of the construction, and provide matching funds of $250,000. The remaining project cost will be funded through the Ohio EPA WPCLF Program. The total estimated cost of construction for the project is $1,500,000.00
FISCAL IMPACT: The city plans to provide $250,000 in matching funds for the grant and request approval to enter ...
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