Background: This legislation authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to execute a First Amendment to amend and extend the existing Lease Agreement with PLM Company, LLC (formerly PLM of Cols) as Landlord, for office space at 3933 Livingston Avenue and to execute a new lease with Saint Stephen Community Services, Inc. as Landlord, for office space at 1500 East 17th Avenue, both occupied by the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program of the Department of Health. Both leases are set to expire on September 30, 2019 and the WIC program wishes to continue to provide its supplemental nutrition services to clients from these locations. Neither Agreement has any renewals remaining. The amendment to the Lease Agreement with PLM Company will add four (4) additional one-year renewal periods at the same rent rate and under the same terms and conditions as the current Agreement. Due to a change in how rent is to be calculated for the office space lease at St. Stephens, it was determined that it was best to enter into a new agreement to clarify the rent terms. The lease rate had been based on an allocation of a pro-rata share of operating expenses based on the square footage of WIC’s occupancy which proved too cumbersome for both parties to manage. The new lease will be based on a flat annual rent fee for the office space.
Fiscal Impact: Funding for the lease payments is provided by grant funds received by Columbus Public Health from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH). City funds are not required. Authorization of the expenditure for payment of rent for these renewal terms shall be requested through a separate ordinance ($0.00).
To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to execute a First Amendment to the Lease Agreement with PLM Company, LLC and a lease with Saint Stephen Community Services, Inc. for office space leased at 3933 East Livingston Avenue and 1500 East 17th Avenue, respectively. ($0.00).
WHEREAS, the De...
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