To endorse Issue 10, the Franklin County Children Services Renewal levy, on the November 5th ballot
WHEREAS, Franklin County Children Services provides protection, and care for children in our community who are abused or neglected; and
WHEREAS, each year, the agency helps more than 30,000 children by investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect, providing voluntary or court-ordered protective services to families whose children can remain safely in their own homes, helping parents resolve family challenges, and placing children in temporary foster care or permanent adoptive homes when necessary; and
WHEREAS, Franklin County Children Services has experienced increased need with opiate related drug issues accounting for 45% of new cases brought to the attention of Children Services; and
WHEREAS, in 2018, 1941 children were placed in kinship care, a 74% increase since 2014; and
WHEREAS, Franklin County Children Services protects and cares for children and their families through many community partnerships, including the Family-to-Family program, a partnership with local settlement houses, the Holiday Wish program, which relies on community support to provide gifts for over 6500 children, and contracts with more than 100 community organizations that provide services to children and families; and
WHEREAS, in addition to providing services for thousands of children and families, last year Children Services mentored 473, referred 192 older youth to resources focused on achieving independence, and finalized 158 child adoptions; and
WHEREAS, Franklin County Children Services protects children and promotes their well-being in a manner that honors family and culture; now, therefore
That this Council hereby endorses Issue 10, the Franklin County Children Services levy, and encourages Franklin County voters to support our children at the ballot on November 5th.