This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Ribway Engineering Group, Inc. in the amount of up to $500,000.00 for the Bikeway - McNaughten Road - Main Street to Broad Street project.
The intent of this project is to provide the City of Columbus, Department of Public Service, additional resources to install a new shared use path (SUP) along McNaughten Road from E Main Street to Sister Nancy Ganse Lane/Stornoway Drive where a current City project will continue the facilities up to E Broad Street. A sidewalk will be installed along the opposite side of McNaughten Road to fill gaps and provide connections as needed. Enhanced crosswalk treatments will be installed at select locations. The roadway may be widened to add turn lanes at intersections to be determined. In addition to the pedestrian and bicycle facilities, the project will provide street lighting. The need for curb to accommodate the proposed facilities will be evaluated in preliminary engineering.
Ord. 2534-2022 authorized the Director of Public Service to submit MORPC Attributable Funds roadway improvement project applications and to execute project agreements for approved projects for the Department of Public Service for the Bikeway - McNaughten Road - Main Street to Broad Street project.
The Department of Public Service, Office of Support Services, solicited Requests for Proposals for four separate bikeways projects with MORPC Attributable Funds at the same time with the intent to award each of the following projects to a different firm resulting in four separate contracts. The RFQ consisted of Bikeway - McNaughten Road - Main Street to Broad Street; Bikeway - SR161 - Sawmill Road to Thompson Street; Bikeway - Cassady Avenue - 7th Avenue to Plaza Properties Drive; and Bikeway - Sullivant Avenue - Georgesville Road to S Wilson Road. The project was formally advertised on the Vendor Services and Bonfire web sit...
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