This legislation authorizes the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to enter into the second year of a three (3) year contract renewal with ITPartners+, for remote back-up and recovery storage services (“data storage services”) for the Franklin County Municipal Court in the amount of $71,658.00.
Ordinance 2246-2022 authorized the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to modify the contract with ITPartners+ for additional storage services.
Ordinance 1245-2022 authorized the Franklin County Municipal Court, Clerk of Court (“Municipal Court Clerk”) to enter into the first year of a three (3) year renewal with ITPartners+, for remote back-up and recovery storage services (“data storage services”) for the Franklin County Municipal Court.
Ordinance 1192-2021 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to modify and extend the existing contract for an additional three (3) years with ITPartners+, and to upgrade the hardware for additional remote back-up and recovery storage services; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code.
Ordinance 2080-2020 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to modify all past, present, and future contracts and purchase orders with Computer Rescue 911; authorizes the assignment of all past, present and future business done by the Municipal Court Clerk with Computer Rescue to ITPartners+.
Ordinance 1137-2017 authorized the Municipal Court Clerk to enter into a one (1) year contract, with four (4) consecutive one (1) year renewal options with Computer Rescue 911, LLC for remote data back-up and recovery services (“data storage services”) for the Franklin County Municipal.
Bid Information: The Municipal Court Clerk's Office solicited competitive bids through RFQ004790 in accordance with Columbus City Code 329. Proposals were received from three (3) companies; two (2) of the proposals were incomplete. The proposals were ...
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