BACKGROUND: This ordinance authorizes the City of Columbus, Department of Development to accept and execute a reimbursable grant up to $7,650,000.00 from the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration (LHRD) Program with the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to fund the City’s Lead Safe Columbus Program (Program); requests that Columbus City Council waive the provisions in Columbus City Codes Sections 111.14, 329.18, and 329.09 pursuant to Columbus City Codes Section 329.15 for the Program; authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to enter into Program grant agreements with property owners if the grant amount is greater than $5,000.00, to approve purchase orders with Program contractors that may be greater than $50,000.00, and to modify a Program grant agreement with a property owner or purchase order with a contractor to carry out the purpose of the Program, all without having to return to City Council for each project for the Program.
Grant funds will be utilized by the Department of Development and Columbus Public Health. This ordinance also authorizes the appropriation and expenditure of the grant by the director of the Department of Development and the Health Commissioner in Columbus Public Health; authorizes the expenditure of the grant funds effective the first day of the grant; and authorizes the transfer and expenditure of up to $770,000.00 in Development Affordable Housing bond funds as a local match for the grant.
This ordinance also authorizes the Auditor’s Office to re-appropriate funds from cancelled grant-funded encumbrances (e.g., ACPO, PO, etc.); establish new grant-funded encumbrances from cancelled funds (e.g., ACPO, PO, etc.); move grant funds between object classes if the amount is greater than $100,000.00; move funds between the Department of Development and Columbus Public Health; and to appropriate any rebates, refunds, program income, or ...
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