The Department of Public Service, Division of Design and Construction, is engaged in the Traffic Signal Installation - Columbus Traffic Signal System (CTSS) Phase E project which is installing a new fiber-optic cable communication infrastructure to communicate to a new central traffic signal system that uses an open architecture. This will allow the city to choose among multiple vendors for some of the commodities related to the Traffic Signal System and ideally receive better pricing for needed materials.
In the course of affecting the Traffic Signal Installation - Columbus Traffic Signal System (CTSS) Phase E project, it is sometimes necessary to force the relocation of utilities from privately held easements. These relocations are in areas where the city has previously allowed utilities, but due to this project there is a need to relocate them at the city's expense. Utility relocation estimates are normally included in the budget for each project, but occasionally estimates are insufficient and not always in the city's control. This legislation provides a source of funding of $360,000.00 for utility relocations, some of which are yet to be named, in order to provide for quick turnaround of these relocations once the utility and project are determined. The utility relocation work includes design, review, and associated utility pole modification, replacement, or other required work to accommodate the Columbus Traffic Signal System (CTSS) fiber optic.
To date, American Electric Power, AT&T, and the Department of Public Utilities, Division of Power have been designated as utilities needing to relocate facilities. City Council recognizes this ordinance does not identify all of the utilities that will receive the reimbursements and understands that its passage will give the Director of Public Service the final decision in determination for such contract(s). This council is satisfied it is in the best interests of the city to de...
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