BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the City Auditor to transfer funds within the Division of Fire's general fund budget, from the Transfer line item to Material and Supplies, to properly align current appropriation with projected expenditures. Personnel and Supplies funds for Fire recruit classes were budgeted in the Division of Fire's Transfer line item. This ordinance will transfer the funds for Materials and Supplies in order to purchase training materials, uniform items, and turnout gear for the first of two classes planned in 2019.
This legislation also authorizes the Finance and Management Director to associate General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate universal term contract purchase agreement(s) on behalf of the Division of Fire for the purchase of fire uniforms and turnout gear from Galls, LLC and Safety Products Holding/Morning Pride Manufacutring LLC, respectively, as required for approval by City Council in order for the division to expend more than $100,000.00, per 329.19(g), for the Division of Fire. These uniforms and turnout gear will outfit fire recruits and cadets slated for 2019, as well as provide replacement equipment for current division personnel. Fire uniforms consist of such items as pants, shirts, jackets, and boots; turnout gear is used by Firefighters as protective outerwear in firefighting situations.
Bid Information: Universal term contracts exist for these expenditures ~ Galls, LLC (Vendor #007478) $506,846 / Safety Products Holding/Morning Pride Manufacturing LLC (vendor #005662) $448,954.
Contract Compliance: Galls LLC #20-3545989 // Safety Products Holding/Morning Pride Manufacturing LLC #31-1608763
Emergency Designation: This legislation is to be declared an emergency measure to make funding immediately available for the purchase of said fire uniforms for division personnel and recruits.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the transfer of $259,000 w...
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