1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify (Mod #4) an existing construction administration and construction inspection (CA/CI) services agreement with CTL Engineering, Inc. for the Volunteer Sump Pump Program Blueprint Linden 1, Phase 2 Project, CIP 650876-111191. CTL Engineering, Inc. will perform CA/CI services for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage that commence construction during the years 2017 through 2019. This agreement will be modified as needed throughout the 3 year period to include these projects as they go to construction. Projects are located throughout the City of Columbus.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $429,175.39
Original Contract $1,047,013.30
Modification #1 $1,472,807.13
Modification # 2 $ 502,748.40
Modification # 3 $ 73,110.14
Modification # 4 (current) $ 429,175.39
CONTRACT TOTAL $3,524,854.36
1.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This was a planned contract modification.
1.3 Reasons other procurement processes are not used:
This is a multiyear contract that will be modified as required to provide construction administration/inspection services for construction projects that commence during the three year (2017-2019) timeframe.
1.4 How cost of modification was determined:
The cost of Mod #4 was determined by negotiations between CTL Engineering and DOSD.
2. PROJECT TIMELINE: Work will be completed within the timeframe established by the individual construction contracts.
3. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE INFO: 31-0680767 | ASN | Exp. 08/01/2020 | Vendor #: 004209
4. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Is not requested at this time.
5. ECONOMIC IMPACT: Division of Sewerage and Drainage projects include rehabilitation and repairs to existing sewers, construction of new sewers, and construction of green infrastructure. The majority of the projects will...
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