This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into a contract with Avante Solutions, Inc. for Cherwell Service Management ($57,776.50) software licensing maintenance and support services at a total cost of $57,776.50 for the coverage term period from February 01, 2021 through January 31, 2022. DoT solicited bids via RFQ016850 closing 11/9/2020 at 11:00am, receiving one response, Avante Solutions, Inc. To that end, this ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into a contract with Avante Solutions, Inc. for the purchase of Cherwell Service Management software licensing and maintenance and support, at the cost of $57,776.50 for one year, with the option for two additional one-year renewals. This term will be a one year term starting on the date 02/01/2021. Annual increases for year two and year three, after the initial term, will not increase. Annual increases after the initial three year term will be capped at 7%. Any additional licenses and support for the first term will be $6,480.00 for each license during the first term, with annual increases after the initial term capped at 7%.
The funds for this expenditure have been identified and are available within the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, operating funds.
Vendor Name: Emergency designation is being requested for this purchase to continue with services that are necessary to support daily operation activities, to ensure no service interruption, and to establish a purchase order at the earliest possible date in 2020.
Avante Solutions, Inc F.I.D. #/:36-4314249 Expiration Date: 03/20/2021
(DAX Vendor Acct. #:022013)
To authorize the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into contract and establish a purchase order with Avante Solutions, Inc. for the renewal of Cherwell Service Management sof...
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