BACKGROUND: The City of Columbus received funding for the Ryan White Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration. This grant requires Columbus Public Health to assure quality medical care to eligible persons living with HIV or AIDS in central Ohio (Franklin, Licking, Delaware, Morrow, Union, Madison, Pickaway and Fairfield counties). The Board of Health will contract with the following medical providers to provide HIV-related somatic medical care and Medical Case Management Services.
OSU Internal Medicine, LLC. - $53,750.00
AIDS Resource Center - $391,315.00
Nationwide Children’s Hospital - $77,400.00
AIDS Healthcare Foundation - $108,983.00
The HIV Care Part A grant’s purpose is to improve access to medical care for persons living with HIV or AIDS living in Central Ohio. The goal is that each client will achieve viral suppression, which improves their quality of life and reduces the risk of spreading the infection. This grant will enhance medical services for both somatic and behavioral health. It will pay for HIV related doctor’s visits, mental health services, substance abuse services, and some oral health care. It also will strengthen the case management and linkage to care (or patient navigation) elements. Columbus is eligible for HIV Care Part A because it has been severely affected by the HIV epidemic. This means that there were at least 1,000, but fewer than 2,000, cases of AIDS reported and confirmed during the most recent period of five calendar years.
These services were advertised through vendor services (SA005137) in October, 2013 according to bidding requirements of the City Code.
The contract compliance numbers and expiration dates for these providers are:
OSU Internal Medicine, LLC. - 311369596 - 1/22/15
AIDS Resource Center - 800813109 - 2/26/15
Nationwide Children’s Hospital - 314379441 - n/a
AIDS Healthcare Foundation -...
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