BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an engineering agreement with MS Consultants, Inc. for the Blueprint Stormwater Sewer System Assessment - Clintonville West, CIP 611625-100003. This project is needed in order to restore the hydraulic capacity of the existing storm infrastructure as well as to identify any necessary replacements so as to extend the useful life of the asset. The project will also reduce stormwater flooding issues in the neighborhood and create positive outlets for the new green infrastructure and downspouts that will be installed as part of the Blueprint projects. This project will provide incremental funding to assess, clean and inspect all storm sewer infrastructure within the Fredonia-Peidmont, Winthrop-Milton, and Dorris-Weber Blueprint areas so that the hydraulic capacity of the existing storm infrastructure is restored which will reduce neighborhood stormwater flooding issues and create opportunities for the installation of green infrastructure. This work will occur in the Clintonville area, and the limits of the project are bounded by Hollenback/Richards on its northern and North Broadway/West Tulane Rd on the southern extents and by the Olentangy River. and N. High Street/Indianola Ave. on its eastern and western extents.
(For additional information, please see the attached Director’s Information Sheet Section 5.)
PROCUREMENT: The Division advertised for a Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for the subject services on the City’s Vendor Services website and in the City Bulletin in accordance with the overall provisions of Section 329 of the Columbus City Code. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received five (5) proposals from the following companies on November 18, 2016:
Name C.C. No. Exp. Date City/State Status
Ribway 31-1406579/ 5/31/2018 Columbus, OH MBE
EMH&T 31-0685594/ 2/18/2018 Columbus, OH MAJ
MS Con...
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