1. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a professional services agreement, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Hardlines Design Company, for design and assessment services to modernize five (5) elevators at the Columbus Health Department, in an amount not to exceed $132,711.50. The scope of work includes the following tasks: 1. existing ground survey, 2. survey report, 3. construction documents, 4. bidding, 5. architectural, engineering, construction administration, and 6. warranty review.
2. BID INFORMATION: The selection of the firm providing the professional architectural / engineering services has been performed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Columbus City Code, Section 329, "Awarding professional service contracts through requests for proposals." The project was let by the Office of Construction Management through Vendor Services and Bonfire. Of the 486 vendors solicited, 162 were Minority-owned, 4 were Veteran-owned, 288 were Small Business-owned, and 104 were Women-owned.
The City received two (2) Request for Proposals (RFP’s) responses, which were opened on December 7, 2022 and both were designated as Women-owned firms:
1. BBCO Design
2. Hardlines Design Co.
An evaluation committee reviewed and scored the proposals based on the criteria included in Columbus City Code, Section 329. The Department of Finance and Management recommends an award be made to Hardlines Design Company.
3. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE INFO: 31-1688928, DAX No. 5794, expires 12/6/24, WBE
Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Hardlines Design Company.
4. SUBCONTRACTOR PARTICIPATION: As part of their bid Hardlines Design Company proposed 3 subconsultants to work on the project:
Company Name City/State ODI Designation
Kabil Associates, Inc. Columbus, OH MBE
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