This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a planned contract renewal for professional engineering services during construction with Ch2M Hill Engineers, Inc. for the Laboratory Upgrades project, CIP #690554-100000, in an amount up to $809,250.00.
The current laboratory spaces at the 910 Water Quality Assurance Lab (WQAL), the Dublin Road Water Plant (DRWP), and the Parsons Avenue Water Plant (PAWP) are more than 20 years old and are in need of upgrades to meet current laboratory, ergonomic, and architectural guidelines and standards. The work under the original contract completed the evaluation and preliminary design report for the upgrades to the Water Quality Assurance Lab, Dublin Road Water Plant Lab and Parsons Ave. Water Plant Lab.
The first planned contract renewal provided funding for the detailed design and permitting for construction of the Water Quality Assurance Lab renovations including: new countertops and casework; sinks and fixtures; lighting; and laboratory systems such as fume hoods, refrigeration and DI water systems and design of a Lab Information Management System (LIMS).
The second planned contract renewal provided funding for the engineering services during construction of the Water Quality Assurance Lab renovations as well as the detailed design of the Dublin Road Water Plant lab upgrade including new flooring; lighting; countertops and casework; sinks and fixtures; and laboratory systems.
This planned contract renewal #3 will provide funding for the detailed design of the Parsons Avenue Water Plant (PAWP) lab upgrades and the engineering services during construction for the Dublin Road Water Plant (DRWP) lab upgrades.
Planned future renewals for this project include:
Renewal #4 Engineering Services During Construction for PAWP Lab upgrades
The planning area is 68 Dublin Road Corridor.
The original agreement did not establish a total term for all planne...
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