1. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew the professional engineering services agreement with Hill International, Inc. for the Professional Construction Management Services - 2018 Project.
This project will assist the City with managing a capital improvement program consisting of multiple projects to ensure completion in accordance with design requirements and City’s needs, while serving as a liaison between the construction contractor, design professional (DP), and City personnel. The PCM team shall furnish all necessary competent personnel, equipment, and materials to perform the work, which will generally consist of program support services, design phase services, and construction management services. Projects will be assigned to this contract based on a two year assignment window.
Community planning is “99-N/A” because the water facilities associated with this contract serve multiple planning areas.
Renewal #1 (current) is needed to continue funding for several projects.
FUTURE RENEWAL: Funds will be authorized through annual contract renewal (or more frequent renewals if required by fiscal needs).
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $5,082,200.00
Original Contract Amount: $ 646,900.00
Renewal #1 (current): $ 5,082,200.00
Renewal #’s 2-4 (future): $10,000,000.00
Total (Orig. + Renewal No’s 1-4): $15,729,100.00
1.2. Reason other procurement processes are not used:
The current consultant has already started providing both design phase and construction phase services on multiple projects. Bidding this work out to a new consultant would require duplication of some of the work already performed (e.g., constructability reviews) and could delay projects and increase costs where this consultant is currently providing construction phase services.
1.3. How cost of renewal was determined:
The City identified the services that would be needed...
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