The Division of Traffic Management is responsible for maintaining the City's signs, signals, and pavement markings. As a part of this activity, the City receives an annual allocation of funds from the County's $5.00 Auto License Tax for maintenance and upgrade work that has been completed by the City on arterial streets within City limits that are the responsibility of the Franklin County Engineer. This allocation is based on motor vehicle registrations within Columbus limits. After receipt, these funds are deposited into the City's County Auto License Tax Fund (Fund 2264) and are then subsequently transferred to the Street, Construction, Maintenance, and Repair Fund (Fund 2265) when the maintenance activity is actually completed.
This ordinance authorizes the movement of funds from Fund 2264 to Fund 2265 by internal bill. All funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are deemed appropriated in an amount not to exceed cash received from Franklin County in 2025.
Actual and anticipated receipts into the County Auto License Tax Fund are estimated to be sufficient to support this appropriation and give the Division of Traffic Management the ability to invoice for time and material work done on arterial streets owned by Franklin County, and to meet revenue projections of the Street, Construction, Maintenance, and Repair Fund which supports the Division of Traffic Management.
Emergency action is requested in order to provide for this appropriation action taking effect immediately to promote efficient accounting practices and maintain prudent cash flow to division operating funds.
To authorize the appropriation of funds within the County Auto License Tax Fund; to authorize the Director of Public Service to expend said monies or so much thereof as may be needed for Franklin County Engineer approved roadway construction and maintenance projects undertaken by the D...
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