BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to renew a contract with Blind Eye Restoration LLC for an additional year and add $20,550.00. The original contract, which expired February 29, 2020, allows for up to two additional, one year renewals. This renewal is the first renewal of the original contract.
Original Contract Amount $28,000.00 PO191088
Renewal 1 $20,550.00
Total Contract Amount $48,550.00
This contract provides public art maintenance, peer review of proposed artwork proposals, and, on an as needed basis, the timely assessment and repair of damaged artworks. The department’s aim is to maintain the City’s public art collection in good condition and to provide an educated impartial assessment of new artwork proposals.
Emergency action is requested so the Division of Planning can continue maintenance without interruption.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this contract is available in the Division of Planning’s 2020 General Fund budget. There are 2019 funds remaining on the original purchase order and these funds will be expended first in early 2020 with the 2020 funds being expended later in the year.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: The vendor’s account number is 027939 and contract compliance expires 02/20/2022.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to renew a contract with Blind Eye Restoration LLC for an additional year and add $20,550.00 from the general fund; to authorize the expenditure of $20,550.00; and to declare an emergency. ($20,550.00)
WHEREAS, the Director of the Department of Development desires to renew a contract with Blind Eye Restoration, by extending the contract termination date from February 29, 2020, to February 28, 2021; and
WHEREAS, this contract provides public art maintenance, peer review of proposed artwork proposals, and, on an as needed basis, the timely assessment and repair of damaged artworks. The department’s aim is to maintain the Ci...
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