BACKGROUND: This ordinance is for the option to purchase Liquid Chlorine for the Power and Water Division. Quicklime is used in the City's water treatment processes. The term of the proposed option contract will be three (3) years. Contract is through March 31, 2015, with the option to extend for one additional year. The Purchasing Office opened formal bids on January 26, 2012.
The Purchasing Office advertised and solicited competitive bids in accordance with Section 329.06 (Solicitation SA004228). Fifty nine (59) (M1A:0, F1:1) bids were solicited; A total of two (2) bid proposals (M1A:0, F1:0) were received.
The Purchasing Office is recommending award to the lowest, responsive, responsible and best bidder in compliance with the specifications.
Univar USA Inc., CC#911347935 expires 09/29/2013).
Total Estimated Annual Expenditure: $180,000.00
This company is not debarred according to the Federal Excluded Parties Listing or the State Auditor's Findings For Recovery Database.
This ordinance is being submitted as an emergency because Liquid Chlorine is used in the City's water treatment processes and a delay in its availability would negatively affect the efficient delivery of valuable public services.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding to establish this option contract is budgeted in the Mail, Print Services and UTC Fund. Power and Water will be required to obtain approval to expend from their own appropriations for their estimated annual expenditures.
To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into one (1) Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase Liquid Chlorine with Univar USA Inc; to authorize the expenditure of one (1) dollar to establish the contract from the Mail, Print Services and UTC Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00)
WHEREAS, the Purchasing Office advertised and solicited formal bids on January 26, 2012 and selected the lowest, responsive, responsible and best bid. Two (2) b...
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