1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with Kenmore Construction Co. for the Hap Cremean Water Plant Concrete Rehabilitation Project, in an amount up to $13,599,420.00, for Capital Improvements Project No. 690389-100000, Division of Water Contract Number 2141.
Funds in the amount of $2,000.00 will also be encumbered with the Department of Public Service for Prevailing Wage services.
Natural deterioration due to age, service conditions, and weather (freeze-thaw) requires rehabilitation of various concrete structures at the Hap Cremean Water Plant including settling basins, channels leading to/from the basins, and exterior structures adjacent to the basin complex; stairs, pavement, retaining walls, high mast lights, and other similar features. This contract also includes the rehabilitation of components attached to or embedded into the concrete basins, including joints, grating, frames, hatch covers, handrails, guardrails, valves and gates.
The Community Planning Area is “99 - Citywide” since the water plant services several Columbus communities.
This project will rehabilitate deteriorated concrete at Columbus’s largest water treatment facility to maintain reliability of the treatment process and prevent further and more costly damage that would occur if rehabilitation were postponed. This project is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to maintain a reliable supply of safe drinking water to its customers, which will result in sustainable economic growth well into the future.
3. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD: The Director of Public Utilities publicly opened two (2) bids on May 29, 2019 from:
1. Kenmore Construction Co. $13,599,420.00
2. Kokosing Industrial, Inc. $15,966,000.00
Kenmore’s bid was deemed the lowest, best, most responsive ...
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