BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with the C.D. Whitfield Co., LLC for the Jackson Pike Waste Treatment Plant (JPWWTP) ACA / ACB Steam Heat System Project. The work for this project consists of providing steam heating to the Aeration Control Building A (ACA) and Aeration Control Building B (ACB) including steam and condensate piping, pipe insulation, condensate movers and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth in the Bid Submittal Documents.
TIMELINE: Contract work is required to be completed in a manner acceptable to the City within 180 days from the date that a Notice To Proceed (NTP) is given by the City.
PROCUREMENT: The Division of Sewerage and Drainage advertised for competitive bid proposals on the City of Columbus's Vendor Services website and in the City Bulletin in accordance with the provisions of Section 329.09 of Columbus City Codes. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage opened the responding bids on January 8th, 2014 from the following companies:
Name C.C. No. /Exp. Date City/State Status
C.G. Egli, Inc. 31-1378308 / 10/01/2015 Dayton, Ohio MAJ
The C.D. Whitfield Co. LLC 26-0564317 / 01/06/2016 Cleveland, Ohio MAJ
Kirk Williams Co. 31-4401733 / 06/05/2015 Grove City, Ohio MAJ
General Temperature Control Inc. 31-1201236 / 03/13/2014 Canal Winchester, OH MAJ
Fox Mechanical Co. 31-1270804 / 06/05/2015 Lancaster, Ohio MAJ
Ulliman Schutte Constr., LLC 31-1582279 / 08/26/2015 Miamisburg, Ohio MAJ
Six companies submitted bids. These bids were reviewed and ranked utilizing the Bid Tab and Quality Factor Form evaluation process. After careful consideration, the committee recommended that the C.D. Whitfield Co., LLC be awarded the construction contract for the JPWWTP ACA / ACB Stea...
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