File #: 0266-2025    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/24/2025 In control: Zoning Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: To rezone 1429 SCHROCK RD. (43229), being 0.72± acres located at the southeast corner of Schrock Road and Ambleside Drive, From: C-4, Commercial District and C-5, Commercial District, To: L-C-4, Limited Commercial District (Rezoning #Z24-011).
Attachments: 1. ORD#0266-2025_Attachments, 2. ORD#0266-2025_Labels

Rezoning Application: Z24-011

APPLICANT: Queen 1 Auto Sale Inc.; c/o Jackson B. Reynolds, III, Atty.; 37 West Broad Street, Suite 460; Columbus, OH 43215.

PROPOSED USE: Limited commercial development.

DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approval (5-0) on October 10, 2024.

CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site is developed with a used car lot and an automotive repair facility in the C-4, Commercial and C-5, Commercial districts. The requested rezoning to L-C-4, Limited Commercial District will bring the site under one zoning district and allow limited commercial uses at this location. The site is located within the boundaries of the Northland 1 Area Plan (2014), which recommends “Commercial (Neighborhood)” land uses for this location. The development text commits to a site plan, and includes supplemental development standards addressing building and parking setbacks, access, landscaping and screening, and building design. Staff supports the proposed use as it is consistent with the existing zoning pattern along this portion of Schrock Road, which includes a mix of commercially-oriented uses.


To rezone 1429 SCHROCK RD. (43229), being 0.72± acres located at the southeast corner of Schrock Road and Ambleside Drive, From: C-4, Commercial District and C-5, Commercial District, To: L-C-4, Limited Commercial District (Rezoning #Z24-011).


WHEREAS, application #Z24-011 is on file with the Department of Building and Zoning Services requesting rezoning of 0.72± acres from C-4, Commercial District and C-5, Commercial District, to L-C-4, Limited Commercial District; and

WHEREAS, the Development Commission recommends approval of said zoning change; and

WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval of said zoning change because the proposed use is consistent with the existing zoning pattern along this portion of Schrock Road, which includes a mix of commercial oriented uses; now, therefore:


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